29. julij
at 19.00
Concert of Improvisation Masterclass Participants
The high level of the pianists selected to participate in Alexander Gadjiev’s piano masterclass promises concert evenings we won’t soon forget. The concerts are sure to be gripping and colourful, we will bare witness to individual interpretative voices and improvisational skills honed by the world’s foremost classical improviser on the piano and exceptional pedagogue Noam Sivan, former Director of Improvisation at the Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia) and a faculty member at the Juilliard School (New York). As Professor of Piano Improvisation at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart (HMDK Stuttgart) he launched one of the first Master’s degrees in classical piano improvisation in the world. He is currently serving as composer-in-residence, pianist, and improvisation mentor for the Stegreif Orchestra in Berlin, with whom he is developing new modes of orchestral improvisation.
The Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti project is funded by the European Union from the Small Projects Fund GO! 2025 financed by the Interreg VI-A-Italy-Slovenian 2021–2027 programme, managed by EGTC GO.
Admission free.
The Masterclass is organized with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Gorizia, Municipality of Ljubljana, and The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with Silič Piano Salon, Kulturni dom Gorica, and the Slovenian Philharmonic.